Ageless Grace® | Every Monday, 9am
Ageless Grace® class every Monday, 9am at Wheaton Park District, Mary Lubko Center, 102 E. Wesley St. Wheaton, IL 60187. No charge.
Ageless Grace® | Every Tuesday, 10am
Ageless Grace® class every Tuesday, 10am at Glen Ellyn Park District, 501 Hill Ave, Glen Ellyn. No registration. No charge.
Moving Conversations - January 9 and 16
Would you like to have more fun? Be more flexible? More spontaneous? Have more laughter and play in your life?
Cardio Drumming | Every Friday, 9-9:45am
Cardio Drumming class every Friday, 9am at Wheaton Park District, Mary Lubko Center, 102 E. Wesley St. Wheaton, IL 60187. No charge.
To see more, go to 'Ageless Grace Brain Health' on Facebook. Along the top bar click 'More' and on drop list choose videos. Scroll through vdeos to see 15 minute videos of Denise leading Ageless Grace® classes.
Books and Recordings
Yes, It is All About You.
The ultimate guide for women: putting yourself first, getting what you've always wanted, and feeling great at the same time.
You can have what you want...and it's not too late. You have this minute, as you are reading this blurb to make a choice. You can throw in the towel, close up this website, and again say "It's too late for me" or "I can't" or "I don't know how". OR (this is a very big or) you can ask the questions: "What can I do to turn my life around and move in a new direction?" "How can I break free and head in a direction that will finally allow me to have more for myself and feel good at the same time?
That's what this book can do, IF (this is a very big if) you take the ideas and recommendations to heart and use them in a way that's different than before. Take action. And don't give up. Then you'll be on the road to success, your own personal success. Congratulations!
On Monday, August 28, 2023, I was interviewed on an internet TV website called Win Win Women. The host is Tracey Gelb and the show is called A Graceful Life. We talked for half an hour and it was recorded. A good time was had by all!
If you missed it, or for some crazy reason you want to see it again, you still can! Just click the link below!
On December 31st, 2019 Jenna retired after 38 years of managing her own Chiropractic office. She was a mild mannered chiropractor by day and a wild motivational speaker after the sun went down.
Since retirement she says that her three greatest loves are 1) Her husband, Ed 2) All things Ageless Grace® and 3) Singing with an older adult choir called Sounds Good!
After retirement Jenna was looking for a way to fill her days with some of the things that she had enjoyed while she was working: being with people, being of service and having variety and movement in her daily life. She took the teacher training the day after Ageless Grace® found her (as she puts it). Two weeks later she was teaching on Zoom. Just recently Jenna was certified as an Ageless Grace® Trainer at age 73! Why? Because she loves teaching and expanding the message and practice of Ageless Grace® in any way that she can.